Sunday 5 October 2014

Some quotes and observations following the 18th September 2014 Ref.

The gloating.
English MPS for English Matters-
David  Cameron coming on the news and immediately talking of more powers for England, raising the English question of only English MPs for English matters. (its not quite as simple as this since all matters will involve budgets and money coming from Scotlands tax payers and oil revenues) Where was the thanks to the 55% who voted no and put  their faith in the Vow? It was an immediately punishing speech for Scotland.

Alex Salmond resigning, what a loss

The Nazi and EDL riots in George Square and the portrayal through social media and absence via news.

David Cameron- The queen purred when I told her it was all okay. Well its not all okay one word-POVERTY.

Gordon Brown raising a petition presumably to make himself keep his promise in the Vow of more power fro Scotland as Nicola Strugeon ( and Elaine C Smith) said you could not make it up.

SNP- triples in size-what does this actually mean? How will this equate to power.Its certainly  more money and effort for campaigns for the election.

The tory party conference. BBC news talks about Camerons feel good speech.He talks about tax cuts and benefit cuts, meaning stealing food from the poor for the riches of the elite.

Nicola Strugeon Says-

 4 October 2014-
She concludes-
We have an electorate that is engaged in the democratic process as never before, and people formerly of both the Yes and No camps finding common ground and coming together to claim our rights from Westminster. This can and should be a unifying process for Scotland, after what was inevitably a divisive referendum, and I will do everything I can to make it so. The prize is social and economic gains for hard-working people – and progress for Scotland. For me, that is what the political process is all about.

Women For Independence Perth Conference 4th October

This was very inspiring. It was inclusive and empowering with no top down rules. I think this is very important and it was this factor that enabled the local womens groups to set up and run.The conference had a large open mic session and it was interesting to hear how women felt empowered having engaged in the campaign. This included those aged from 16-83 yrs and some last minute yes voters. Everyone had a sense that something very special had happened during the YES campaign, a newer and more powerful engagement in politics.There was no doubt that despite the differences between the women in the church all drawn from all walks of life everyone was united in the aim for a more equal Scotland and knowledge that we can do much much better than yet has been done.

Why women for Independence? -It certainly feels easier,inclusive every women can engage, there is no competition just a common aim. Whilst social media has been important the women for Independence has been free of the macho cultures which I find very off putting in some of the current facebook groups which appear to be moaning and negative. The women for Independence in contrast feels empowering and positive.I therefore feel privileged

to be a woman and to be allowed to be part of it.

Given the power, level of skills and the sheer enthusiasm of everyone who attended (never mind the loads who could not get tickets) I am in no doubt this is a movement that will result in positive change for women in Scotland and I am  glad to be part of it.